Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Advanced Vietnamese, part 1

Proposed to be offered next in 1997

Ton-That Quynh-Du

6 points + 5 hours per week + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: VTM4320 or equivalent skills

Synopsis An advanced level of Vietnamese. Fluency in Vietnamese language is presumed. This subject deals with the emergence of modern Vietnamese literature, its role as a vehicle for social change, the influence of the Western tradition of thought and the Tu Luc Van Doan literary group.

Assessment Written (2000 words): 25% + Examination (2 hours): 50% + Class presentation: 25%

| Subjects Part 2 | Arts Graduate Handbook | Monash handbooks | Monash University