Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Applied statistics

Anthony McMahon

8 or 12 points + 2 hours per week + Second semester + Clayton

Synopsis This subject is designed to give students a practical, but critical, understanding of statistical methods that are used in social research. It will focus on univariate descriptive statistics; sampling theory and its practical application; bivariate descriptive statistics; tests of statistical significance; and the elaboration of causal relationships in cross-tabulations. Students will be encouraged to appreciate the assumptions underlying the various statistical techniques so that they know when it is appropriate to use them and how to interpret their findings.

Assessment (8 points) Two practical assignments: 20% each + Three class tests equivalent to a total of 6000 words: 20% each

Assessment (12 points) Two practical assignments: 20% each + Three class tests equivalent to a total of 9000 words: 20% each

Prescribed texts

| Subjects Part 1 | Arts Graduate Handbook | Monash handbooks | Monash University