Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Social service organisations: their behaviour and their management

Thea Brown

12 points + 2 hours per week + Second semester + Clayton

Synopsis The subject seeks to present an overview of the nature and characteristics of the social and community services in Australia and to examine management tasks and problems in large and small, government and non-government social service organisations. Specifically, it aims to identify the organisational nature of the social and community services industry in Australia, introduce students to frameworks for the analysis of social service organisations, develop knowledge of the changes in the management of social service organisations in the last two decades, identify the differences between the management of governmental bureaucracies and voluntary organisations, and to teach students the management tasks associated with social service organisations.The subject will cover the organisational nature of the social services, the characteristics of the organisation in terms of size, structure, function, staffing, funding, decision-making and more, the broad new governmental policy directions of equal opportunity, freedom of information, consumer rights, training, and the very recent government policies of super ministries, privatisation, and service agreements. Management tasks including developing management information systems, managing conflict, raising funds and monitoring the budget, and monitoring program and staff performance.

Assessment Organisational analysis (3500 words): 40% + Development of managerial program (3500 words): 40% + Two class exercises (1000 words each): 20%

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