Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Synopsis This subject in public policy focuses on the changing characteristics of emerging post-industrial societies and the implications for contemporary political issues and the nature and conduct of politics. The focus is on policy processes and structures as well as analysing the substance of a range of policy areas, considering the potentialities and limits of public policies in their emergence, formation, implementation and evaluation. Topics to be considered include energy politics and policies; science and technology politics and policies; economic innovation and restructuring; environmental politics and policies, multiculturalism and immigration policies; defence and foreign policies; the role of the expert in the policy process and problems of accountability, control and effectiveness for democracy in a scientific age; and analysis of post-industrial society and its political implications. Materials and examples will be drawn liberally from diverse countries and sources, but particular consideration will be given to the Australian experience.
Assessment Essay (6000 words): 50% + Examination (3 hours): 50%