Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


International trade policy making

Andy Perry

6 points + Second semester + Clayton + Prohibitions: PLM5560

Synopsis This subject concerns some central issues in policy making for, and the management of, international economic relations. It includes study of the politics of protectionism and `managed' foreign trade; the roles of such institutions as MITI, the IMF, GATT, WTO ASEAN, the European Community, the Cairns Group, the American Presidency and Congress; and the activities of major multinational business companies. Case studies include reference to the bilateral and trilateral trading relationships of Japan, North America and Australia; the expansion of trading links by each of Korea, Taiwan, mainland China and the ASEAN states in relation to North America and Japan; the evolution of regional organisations in Asian-Pacific international trade; and examples of policy making concerning foreign investment and trade in food, raw materials, energy, manufactured goods and services.

Assessment Written (6000 words): 80% + Seminar participation: 20%

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