Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Advanced Indonesian (Summer)

A Rice, M Woodward and S Robson

12 points + 35 hours per week + 6 week intensive + Third semester (Summer) + Indonesia + Prerequisites: INM4210.06 and INM4220.06 or equivalent

Synopsis Students will enrol in this subject to have their results accredited to their degree at `Advanced Indonesian' level. Students will select Indonesian Level III at the Sanata Dharma University and Realia Language School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The aim of this subject is to enable students to make independent use of Indonesian sources relevant to other areas of their studies. Short stories, periodicals, newspapers and technical works are analysed. Oral skills are developed through group discussions, tutorials and activities. Students are required to participate in one weekend fieldtrip and five social or ceremonial activities.

Assessment Examination (written and oral) 3 hours: 90% + Class performance: 10% (undertaken in Indonesia) + NB Granting of accreditation to a Monash degree is dependent upon passing an exam at Monash University, in the Department of Asian Languages and Studies on return to Australia. Students must contact B Koesasi, 9905 5229 to make the necessary arrangements to sit the exam.

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