Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Contours of racial thought

Andrew Markus

8 or 12 points + One 2-hour seminar per week + First semester + Clayton

Synopsis An examination of the development of racial thought in Western societies. Topics include classical views of human types; early reactions to the populations of the New World; justifications for slavery; the impact of enlightenment thought; the rise of scientific racism; anti-Semitism and Nazi ideologues; `new racism' in contemporary thought.

Assessment Research essay (4000 words): 70% + Open book exam: 30% + Extra assignment if taken as a 12-point subject (3000 words)

Prescribed texts

Poliakov L The Aryan myth 1974

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