Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Stendhal as novelist

Jacques Birnberg

8 or 12 points + A two-hour seminar per week + First semester + Clayton

Synopsis Stendhal (Henri Beyle) is one of the most widely studied French novelists of the first half of the nineteenth century. His fiction has attracted over the years 1947 (Bardèche) - 1990 (Crouzet) the continuous attention of practically all major French representatives of the various disciplines in the field of literary studies: from text edition to hermeneutics, from biography to intertextuality. This subject aims at acquainting MA candidates with Stendhal's major novels and with the various scholarly approaches to one of them, namely Lucien Leuwen. The subject covers such topics as what Stendhal meant by egotism; Stendhalisme versus beylisme; the history of the text edition of Lucien Leuwen; Lucien Leuwen and political history; studies of Stendhal's narrative in his main novels; hermeneutic studies as applied to Stendhal's novels.

Assessment (8 points) One class paper (1000 words): 10% + Bibliographical assignment (1500 words): 30% + Essay (5000 words): 60%

Assessment (12 points) Two class papers (1000 words each): 10% each + Bibliographical assignment (2000 words): 30% + Essay (5000 words): 50%

Preliminary reading

Prescribed texts

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