Arts Graduate Handbook 1996
Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Nineteenth-century French social history
Jacques Birnberg
8 or 12 points + One two-hour seminar per week + Second semester +
Synopsis This subject is intended to acquaint MA candidates with some of
the aims and methods of French social history. Social history consists
basically of the study of social groups; it aims at a synthesis of the
sociologists' synchronic and the historians' diachronic approach. The lectures
and the reading program will introduce students to a few chosen works by French
social historians specialising in nineteenth-century studies, with an emphasis
on group identification. The subject covers such topics as histoire
événementielle and serial history (la longue
durée); introduction to nineteenth-century French economic history;
introduction to French demographic studies; French rural history of the
nineteenth century.
Assessment (8 points) Two class papers (1000 words each): 15% each +
Essay (5000 words): 70%
Assessment (12 points) Four class papers (1000 words each): 10% each +
Essay (5000 words): 60%
Preliminary reading
- Dupeux G La Société française 1789-1960 A
Prescribed texts
- L'Histoire sociale. Sources et méthodes PUF
- Braudel F Ecrits sur l'histoire Flammarion
- Daumard A Les Bourgeois de Paris au 19e siècle
Recommended texts
- Agulhon M and others Apogée et crise de la civilisation paysanne,
1789-1914 vol. 3 Histoire de la France rurale ed. G Duby and A
Wallon, Seuil
- Armengaud A La Population française au XIXe
siècle PUF
- Bouvier J Initiation au vocabulaire et aux mécanismes
économiques contemporains SEDES
- Chevalier L Classes laborieuses et classes dangereuses à Paris
pendant la première moitié du 19e siècle
- Gossez R Les Ouvriers de Paris Société d'histoire de
la Révolution de 1848, t. XXIV, La Roche-sur-Yon
- Soboul A and others L'Histoire sociale. Sources et méthodes
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| Arts Graduate Handbook
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