Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Tourism industry and marketing

Jeff Jarvis

8 or 12 points + One 2-hour seminar per week + First semester + Clayton

Synopsis This subject is designed to provide an introduction to the operation of the tourism industry from an interactive system perspective and present students with a basic grounding in the principles of marketing as they apply to the tourism industry. Topics include marketing research and analysis, the marketing mix, segmentation, target marketing, marketing strategy, communication methods, advertising, public relations and publicity.

Assessment (8 points) Major group assignment (4000 words): 45% + Class participation: 10% + Examination (2 hours): 45%

Assessment (12 points) Major group assignment (7000 words): 45% + Class participation: 10% + Examination (2 hours): 45%

Prescribed texts

| Subjects Part 1 | Arts Graduate Handbook | Monash handbooks | Monash University