Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996

Human services section

Graduate Diploma of Arts in Human Services Administration

Course leader: Jim Ross

This two-year part-time course is designed to equip practitioners with a sound theoretical basis on which to analyse current welfare issues, problems, programs, policies and organisational factors in the welfare industry. Emphasis is given to the acquisition resources allocation, communication, policy formulation and implementation, and research skills.

Admission requirements

The normal entry level is a tertiary degree or diploma. In addition, all successful applicants are expected to have experience in human services or administration or both.

Course structure

To obtain this diploma, a student must complete seven semester subjects. The normal subject progression is shown below.

Year 1 semester 1

+ WEL4210 Human services organisations: structures and processes

+ WEL4300 Social policy

+ WEL4320 Research methods for human services

+ Year 1 semester 2

+ WEL4310 Program planning, implementation and evaluation

Year 2 semester 1

+ WEL4230 Human services administration: principles and practice

+ WEL4330 Resource management

Year 2 semester 2

+ WEL4340 Field experience

Graduate Diploma of Arts in Community Education

This course will not be offered in 1996

Course leader: Jim Ross

This two-year part-time course is designed to equip practitioners with conceptual understanding and practical skills in a variety of community education settings including neighbourhood learning centres, community health, workplace education and community action groups. Emphasis is given to community education paradigms and models, developmental models of the person, social processes in human growth and overcoming barriers to personal autonomy, community development processes and strategies, dynamics involved in groups, interpersonal and socio-cultural communication, the understanding of organisational structures and processes, management tasks, policy formulation and program development and implementation.

Admission requirements

The normal entry level is a tertiary degree or diploma. In addition, all successful applicants are expected to have experience in community education or community work.

Course structure

To obtain this diploma, a student must complete eight semester subjects. The normal subject progress is shown below.

Year 1 semester 1

+ HSD4020 Personal development

+ HSD4080 Community development

Year 1 semester 2

+ HSD4010 Adult education

+ HSD4060 Community program evaluation

Year 2 semester 1

+ HSD4070 Administration in community education

+ HSD4140 Gender, sexuality and social control

Year 2 semester 2

+ HSD4100 Interpersonal and socio-cultural communication

+ HSD4130 Helping skills

| Social work and human services | Details of subjects Part 2 | Arts Graduate handbook | Monash handbooks | Monash University