Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Special topic in applied linguistics

12 points + Either semester + Clayton

Synopsis Students will undertake guided reading in an area of applied linguistics of their choice. In consultation with the MA in applied linguistics coordinator, students will identify a topic of interest to them in which a staff member in the department has expertise. Students will the be allocated to a `supervisor' for their guided reading. Guided reading will involve the location and critical examination of the relevant literature in the chosen topic. Students will be required to discuss their reading with the supervisor on a regular basis. The examination of the reading and its discussion with the supervisor, will form the basis of the assessment for the subject.

Assessment Critical overview of relevant literature (2000 words): 25% + Oral presentation on topic: 5% + Essay on a relevant topic or research question (6000 words): 70%

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