Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Language and gender

Joanne Winter

12 points + 2 hours + First semester + Clayton

Synopsis The subject examines various aspects of the relationship between language and women/men in society. Issues dealt with in the subject include the communication patterns of women and men in various settings (private and public sphere, eg casual conversation, work place communication), the construction of gender in language (sexism) and feminist language policy/planning. The subject also discusses language and gender findings in light of current feminist, sociolinguistic and linguistic theories. The subject aims to introduce students to the major aspects of this rapidly growing interdisciplinary field of research and to enable students to critically examine the relationship between language and the sexes in society.

Assessment Oral presentation on research project: 30% + research project (5000 words): 50% + Review task: 20%

Prescribed texts

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