Arts Graduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Language in society (part I)

Mark Newbrook

12 points + 2 hours per week + Second semester + Clayton

Synopsis This subject focuses on language, its forms, functions and uses in societies around the world. Specific areas of study include variation in language (eg social, regional, local, gender-based, age-based), language varieties (eg standard languages, registers, pidgins, creoles), types of speech communities, language change, language and culture, the uses and functions of language. The course also discusses a range of methods and approaches to the study of language in society, eg sociolinguistics, sociology of language, ethnography and ethnomethodology. The aim of this subject is to provide an overview of the study of language in social contexts and of the relationship between language and society. Students are also introduced to the basic tools and methods used in the study and examination of language in society. Note: Students taking this subject as a Part II subject have the option of specialising in Australian, European or Asian issues.

Assessment Two class/take-home exercises (1000 words each): 30% + Essay (5000 words): 50% + Test (2 hours): 20%

Prescribed texts

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