Art & Design Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Graduate diploma - Printmaking PT

E Heng and K Green

24 points + 10 studio hours per week + Full-year subject + Distance + Prerequisite: GVA4241

Objectives On completion of GVA4241 and GVA4242 students are expected to have developed attitudes towards their discipline which promote understanding of the artistic context of their practice; increased their understanding of the process of formulating, planning and conducting research programs relevant to their practice and discipline by individual research proposals and carrying them through with appropriate supervision; critical and analytical skills appropriate to individually formulated research topics, resulting in a research paper; verbal presentation, documentation of practice, networking and public presentation of artwork; and artwork and a research paper for critical assessment as a conclusion on the ongoing supervision processes which are essentially critical in nature.

Synopsis Further development of work undertaken in GVA4241 in preparation for final assessment.

Assessment Assessment is based on participation and on submission of studio work and written work as appropriate to the investigations carried out. Before the completion of the course, a final submission of work in a form suitable for assessment is required.

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