Art & Design Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Professional practice

D Wollmering

6 points + One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week + Second semester + Gippsland/Distance + Prerequisites: The accumulation of 20 points credit value in Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts)

Objectives By the completion of this subject students are expected to have undertaken specific study of the latest health and safety issues for their artistic practice; considered the relevant business and promotion procedures appropriate to artistic practice; prepared an artist resume relevant to professional requirements; assembled a professional artist portfolio of slides and photographs of current artwork suitable for use in applications and professional presentations; and created a reference collection of resources and contacts for professional activity as an artist.

Synopsis This subject deals with the preparation of the artist for professional practice. Elementary business practice, exhibition planning, art dealership, promotion and other aspects of professional artistic practice will be included. Subject matter will be related to major studio work and relevant to aspects of each student's own particular art form. Aspects of health and safety will also be considered. Students will be assisted in the preparation of a personal presentation portfolio of their work and an artist's resum_.

Assessment Written: 50% + Folio: 50%

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