Art & Design Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Ceramics 3

O Rye

12 points + 10 studio hours per week + First/Second semester + Gippsland + Prerequisites: GVA2312

Objectives By the completion of this subject students are expected to have an understanding of the range of ceramic expression; be capable of formulating a work schedule in an area of ceramics of their choice; have incorporated a self-critical sense of quality into their analytical skills; have a general appreciation of ceramic technology in practice; be developing a sense of the history of ceramics and the context of their work; and be aware of, and practicing, safe working procedures.

Synopsis Further development towards the individual discipline of regular work cycles in ceramics. Regular group and private firings in small kilns are encouraged throughout the semester. Two half-semester projects focus these developments.

Assessment Studio participation: 20% + Set projects: 20% + Final show of work: 60%

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