Art & Design Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Minor printmaking 2

E Heng

6 points + 5 studio hours per week + First/Second semester + Gippsland + Prerequisites: GVA1221

Objectives On completion of this subject students will have been encouraged to continue developing their understanding of the methods and materials associated with printmaking; and realise the expressive potential of printmaking as an extension to their major study by exploring ideas and developing projects that originate in the studio of painting, sculpture, ceramics or photography.

Synopsis This subject is designed to continue the development of the printmaking processes studied in the previous subject. Students will be encouraged to explore graphically concepts related to work undertaken in their major study. Students will be encouraged to concentrate their study in one printmaking process only. Concentration on a particular medium or process such as intaglio, lithography, relief printing or artist books will be offered by the lecturer teaching this subject. By taking part in workshop demonstrations and tutorials, students will have an opportunity to expand their technical skills in colour, multi-plate and other areas which may help in the exploration and development of ideas.

Assessment Artistic and conceptual development: 45% + Technical achievement: 45% + Contribution to critiques: 10%

Recommended texts


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