Art & Design Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Printmaking 3

E Heng

12 points + 10 studio hours per week + First/Second semester + Gippsland + Prerequisites: GVA2212

Objectives On completion of this subject, students will have extended their understanding of printmaking methods and materials by the study and practice of advanced printing (including colour) techniques, experimentation with mixed media and have begun an investigation of the `artist's book' as a vehicle for expression; directed their image making, conceptual and analytical skills and used their understanding of fine art theory toward the formation of a personal visual language; and developed further the ability to articulate artistic intentions in oral and written presentations of both their own practice and that of others.

Synopsis Students will be encouraged to use the knowledge and experience to develop their image making and deal with the problems of form and content that will possibly be engaged in the development of a personal visual language. Formal lectures and demonstrations will be held to expand the student's technical skills, eg colour printing, viscosity, multi-plate etc. Drawing is considered an activity central to the study of all printmaking subjects and students will be expected to attend weekly drawing classes conducted by printmaking staff.

Assessment Artistic and conceptual development: 40% + Technical achievement: 25% + Drawing: 25% + Contribution to critiques: 10%

Recommended texts


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