Art & Design Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Painting 1

J Adams

12 points + 10 studio hours per week + First /Second semester + Gippsland + Prerequisites: GVA1002

Objectives By the completion of this subject students are expected to have demonstrated knowledge of the formal elements of image making. Within the composition of their work both in painting and drawing, that they are able to communicate in verbal and written form, the initial source and inspiration of their image making; that they have begun to investigate other artists' work that may have direct relevance to their own concerns both technically and conceptually; that they are able to extend the range of visual source material relevant to their work; and that they have a clear understanding of health and safety procedures within a painting studio.

Synopsis Set projects are designed to establish an appropriate working procedure. The emphasis within this procedure will be on the technical and formal aspects of painting, collecting source material, and developing personal strategies in order to gain momentum and discipline within individual work habits. Students will be required to complete a number of finished paintings, related studies, a finished drawing folio, and written documentation in the form of a journal.

Assessment Paintings: 30% + Studies: 10% + Participation: 10% + Drawing folio: 30% + Journal: 20%

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