Art & Design Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Foundation 2D

J Adams

6 points + 6 studio hours per week + First semester + Gippsland

Objectives By the completion of this subject students are expected to have demonstrated that they have a recognition of the basic formal elements involved in image making; that they can begin research into visual source material appropriate to their ideas; that they have some understanding of the basic procedures involved in developing an idea to a finished piece of work; and that they have a general understanding of practices and procedures followed in both the painting and printmaking studios, including relevant health and safety issues.

Synopsis The subject is designed to establish the foundation knowledge of image-making by developing a strong visual awareness involving the ability to manipulate and relate the basic elements of line, tone, colour, form and texture. Students will be set major projects with specific tasks related to resource material, research and composition.

Assessment Attendance and participation: 20% + Review of all work: 80%

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