Art & Design Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Computer studies

6 points + One studio hour and one 1-hour lecture per week + Full-year subject + Caulfield + Prerequisites: GDN2170

Objectives On the successful completion of this subject students will be aware of the evolving position of the computer in the graphic design industry; have more focused and professional skills in the areas of layout and experimentation with computers; diagnose common problems encountered with printing electronic files; work with image editing software to create and alter photographic artwork; manage the complex filing problems that occur with presentation of fully electronic artwork to a bureau.

Synopsis Students will be provided with more skills in the areas of layout and experimentation with computers. Projects encourage students to use currently available imaging software to achieve quality results from scanned images; create a fully electronic colour job to film separations, including die-cuts and special colours; manage the complex filing problems that occur with presentation of fully electronic artwork to a bureau; diagnose common problems encountered with electronic files.

Assessment Major projects: 60% + Minor projects: 40%

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