Art & Design Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Graphic design practice

14 points + 3 studio hours and one 1-hour lecture per week + Full-year subject + Caulfield

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students will be able to demonstrate an enquiring, adventurous and open attitude to two dimensional and three dimensional design; demonstrate an understanding and sophisticated application of the elements and principles of design; show proficiency in concept development in a broad range of visual techniques; demonstrate basic skills in three dimensional construction, presentation and production; begin to use computers as a design tool; understand the role of graphic design as a means of visual communication.

Synopsis Students are set a series of applied projects over a wide range of two and three dimensional design problems. Through these they will be introduced to the concept of visual literacy: the discriminating use of the principles and elements of design and composition; design processes and experimentation; and the analysis and constructive criticism of design solutions. Design practice integrates the knowledge acquired in all other first-year subjects. This is a core subject and successful completion of this subject is required to proceed to second year studies.

Assessment Major projects: 60% + Minor projects: 40%

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