Art & Design Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Art criticism and theory in the 20th century

2 points + One 1-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week + First semester + Caulfield + Prerequisites: FNE2912

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students will have a clear understanding of the evolution of Western art and its critical evaluation post 1940; an appropriate skills in research and communication through the preparation of an individual research project; the ability to integrate concepts gained from this study into the process of individual creative development.

Synopsis The subject provides a study of the development of the visual arts and their critical evaluation in the USA, West, post-1940. The major part of the subject is concerned with the development of modern art criticism with a focus on recent and contemporary issues. The critical evaluation of innovative and radical tendencies in the writing of critics such as L Steinberg, C Greenberg, J Canaday and R Hughes will be discussed in relation to the primary evidence of the visual image. Students are encouraged to study contemporary criticism and to relate the content of the subject to their own creative interests.

Assessment Research project (3000 words): 60% + Seminar paper (1500 words): 40%

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