Art & Design Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996



Objectives On successful completion of CFT5011 and CFT5012 students are expected to have demonstrated an ability to work independently, at an advanced level, within their specialist field of study; an ability to undertake scholarly research; an understanding of contemporary art practice and contemporary art and craft issues; an ability to plan, develop and complete a folio presentation at an advanced conceptual, design and technical level in their specialist field of study.

Synopsis A student is expected to design a specific program of work for approval by his or her supervisor. This program will then serve as the basis for developing a body of work showing independent research, technical research and concept development.

Assessment Folio and resource material. Both the program and a body of work, design ideas and independent research will be assessed by the supervisor.

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