Monash University

Registration as a pharmacist - Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

To practice as a pharmacist in Australia, it is necessary to be registered with the Pharmacy Board of Australia. Registration with the Pharmacy Board of Australia for students, interns and practicing pharmacists is via the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Student registration

Australia's national registration and accreditation scheme began on 1 July 2010. The scheme is governed by nationally consistent legislation, the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 (the national law) as in force in each State and Territory. Under the national law, the National Boards for each of the 10 health professions have the power to register students.

AHPRA will work directly with each university to register students for each academic year. It will seek lists of enrolled students from the university; students do not need to apply for registration. There are no registration fees for students.

Period of supervised practice (internship)

Students completing the internship year (usually taken the year after completing the four year Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) course) must apply for provisional registration as a pharmacist.

Monash University offers an approved pharmacy internship training program during the course of their period of supervised practice.

The pharmacy internship program is offered in course 3460 Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice (Internship), or can be undertaken as two full-fee single units.