For detailed information about the sequence of units required for a major/minor/specialisation in this area of study refer to Nursing
- NUR3007 Clinical experience in the palliative approach
- NUR3009 Transition to professional practice
- NUR3104 Mental health practice 2
- NUR3106 Introduction to high acuity nursing
- NUR3111 Introduction to critical care nursing
- NUR3204 Integrated community care
- NUR3541 Health teaching and promotion
- NUR4009 Collaborative health care
- NUR4010 Rural health emergencies
- NUR4401 Clinical honours thesis 1: applied research methods and skills
- NUR4402 Clinical honours thesis 2: framing a research proposal
- NUR4403 Clinical honours thesis 3: conducting a research project
- NUR4404 Clinical honours thesis 4: analysing and reporting research
- NUR5002 Contemporary nursing practice 2
- NUR5003 Contemporary nursing practice 3
- NUR5004 Contemporary nursing practice 4
- NUR5008 Cognitive behavioural therapy for mental health professionals
- NUR5011 Contemporary nursing in context 1
- NUR5022 Contemporary nursing in context 2
- NUR5033 Contemporary nursing in context 3
- NUR5100 Research Project in Nursing
- NUR5101 Research Project in Nursing (Part-time)
- NUR5111 Contemporary nursing practice 1
- NUR5200 Advanced Studies in Nursing
- NUR5201 Advanced Studies in Nursing (Part-time)
- NUR5202 Nursing informatics
- NUR5204 Education in nursing and midwifery
- NUR5208 Therapeutic medication management
- NUR5209 Education program development
- NUR5210 Disaster and emergency nursing management
- NUR5211 Case management in health care
- NUR5214 Advanced therapeutic interaction in nursing
- NUR5217 Advanced paediatric nursing
- NUR5218 Advanced clinical decision making
- NUR5219 Advanced clinical practice for nurse practitioner
- NUR5227 Integrated mental health care
- NUR5301 Nursing practice for older persons
- NUR5315 Advanced nursing practice in context
- NUR5405 Explorations in child and family nursing
- NUR5411 Advanced clinical assessment and diagnostic reasoning
- NUR5703 Advanced pathophysiology and health assessment 1
- NUR5704 Advanced pathophysiology and health assessment 2
- NUR5833 Refugee health and wellbeing
- NUR5842 The social ecology of caring
- NUR5844 Health promotion and education
- NUR5925 Emergency nursing 1
- NUR5927 Advanced medical/surgical nursing practice 1
- NUR5928 Advanced medical/surgical nursing practice 2