For detailed information about the sequence of units required for a major/minor/specialisation in this area of study refer to Forensic medicine
- FOR4001 Medical evidence
- FOR4002 Injury interpretation
- FOR4003 Ethics, medicine and the law
- FOR4004 Elements of the forensic sciences
- FOR4005 Child and adolescent sexual abuse
- FOR4006 Non accidental injury in childhood
- FOR4007 Elements of forensic odontology
- FOR4008 Post mortem dental identification: principles and methods
- FOR4009 Clinical forensic odontology
- FOR4010 Disaster victim identification (DVI): principles and methods
- FOR5005 Adult sexual assault
- FOR5006 Traffic medicine
- FOR5007 Elements of forensic toxicology
- FOR5008 Custodial medicine
- FOR5009 Advanced issues in sexual violence
- FOR5010 Project in forensic medicine
- FOR5011 Advanced issues in non-accidental injury of children
- FPA5004 Autopsy practice
- FPA5007 Death investigation