For detailed information about the sequence of units required for a major/minor/specialisation in this area of study refer to Emergency health
- BEH1011 Clinical concepts of paramedic practice
- BEH1032 Evidence based practice, research and population health in community based emergency health services
- BEH1041 Human development and health across the lifespan
- BEH1102 Clinical concepts of paramedic practice 2
- BEH2012 Paramedic management of respiratory conditions
- BEH2022 Paramedic management of trauma conditions
- BEH2032 Paramedic clinical practice 1
- BEH2131 Paramedic management of cardiovascular conditions
- BEH2141 The paramedic in the community
- BEH2152 Pharmacotherapy in community-based emergency health
- BEH2201 Paramedic management of mental health
- BEH3011 Paramedic management of medical conditions
- BEH3012 Clinical education, leadership and emergency preparedness
- BEH3022 Research and contemporary challenges in community based emergency health
- BEH3032 Paramedic management of critical care specialty situations
- BEH3121 Paramedic management of toxicological and environmental conditions
- BEH4100 Honours degree of Bachelor of Emergency Health (Paramedic) 1
- BEH4200 Honours degree of Bachelor of Emergency Health (Paramedic) 2
- BEH4300 Honours degree of Bachelor of Emergency Health (Paramedic) 3