For detailed information about the sequence of units required for a major/minor/specialisation in this area of study refer to Developmental biology
- BCH3021 Cellular organisation: Organelle structure and function in health and disease
- BIO1011 Biology I
- BIO1022 Biology II
- BIO3021 Marine biology
- BMH4100 Biomedicine research project
- BMH4110 Biomedicine research project part time A
- BMH4120 Biomedicine research project part time B
- BMH4200 Advanced studies in biomedicine
- BMH4210 Advanced studies in biomedicine part time A
- BMH4220 Advanced studies in biomedicine part time B
- DEV2011 Early human development from cells to tissues
- DEV2022 Principles of organ and body design
- DEV3011 Fundamentals of developmental processes
- DEV3022 Developmental pathways to health and disease
- DEV3032 Stem cells and the foundations of life
- DEV3990 Action in developmental biology research project
- GEN3030 Developmental and cellular genetics
- MOL2011 Molecular biology: Genes and their expression
- MOL2022 Molecular biology: Gene technology and its application