Faculty of Art and Design
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6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSL
SynopsisThe unit will trace the development of the visual culture of Italy from Roman times to the Eighteenth century. Particular emphasis will be placed on four especially significant periods: Roman, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque. The unit will concentrate on Italian artistic development and on the enduring and dominant role of Italian art and culture in the West. The emphasis will be on individuals and cities that have made a profound impact on and helped to shape the cultural identity of Italy. A major thematic focus will be the exploration of the communication of ideas, values and beliefs via the tangible visual evidence of art, architecture and urban fabric. ObjectivesOn successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:
Two essays 1250 words each (50%) Chief examiner(s)Contact hours104 hours of lectures, tutorials and site visits on location in Italy and 52 hours of independent study Prerequisites12 credit points at first year level in Theory of Art and Design, Visual Culture or Cultural Studies |