Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
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4 points, SCA Band 3, 0.0833333 EFTSL
SynopsisThis unit covers substance abuse definitions, classification systems, epidemiology, prevalence & risk factors, major substances of abuse i.e. alcohol, other central nervous system depressants, stimulants & hallucinogens. Features of substance abuse disorder (SAD), assessment, long term effects/complications, family issues, medical/ psychosocial management, the interface between substance abuse disorder & mental health - "Dual Diagnosis", (where serious mental illness & SAD occur in one person) are examined as is the impact of substance abuse in the community, prevention & health promotion, public education, the media, political, economic & social issues related to availability of substances. Objectives
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
AssessmentCase history 1500 words (40%), Presentation (30%), and Log book (30%). Chief examiner(s)PrerequisitesYear 1 MPM units |