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12 points, SCA Band 1, 0.250 EFTSL
SynopsisThis unit introduces students to key issues in language endangerment and provides them with the skills to develop and implement language maintenance programs. It examines assessments of linguistic diversity and language endangerment and reflects on a range of issues via case studies from various regions, including symptoms and causes of language shift, and changes in patterns of language use and transmission. Students examine language maintenance and revitalisation programs developed within communities and in institutional settings, and acquire an awareness of socio-political issues through locating such activities within the framework of language planning and language policy processes. Objectives
On completion of this unit students should have:
Students should be able to: vii. demonstrate an understanding of the historical development of language endangerment research; viii. analyse the key factors in assessing language endangerment and speaker fluency; ix. evaluate alternative explanations for language variation; x. interpret theoretical frameworks developed and utilised by researchers in the field; xi. apply key concepts to new sets of data; xii. to evaluate language programs appropriate to particular language endangerment settings internationally; xiii. demonstrate an understanding of the stages in curriculum development; xiv. apply knowledge of programs to new situations to select an appropriate model. Students should also be able to: Assessment
Research proposal and bibliography (1000 words): 10%; Critical review (1500 words): 15; Research essay(5000 words): 50%; Take-home test(1 hour): 20%; Group/online participation (500 words equivalent): 5% Contact hours1 hour lecture + 2 hour seminar per week Prohibitions |