

Faculty of Arts

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Monash University

Monash University Handbook 2010 Undergraduate - Unit

6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSL

FacultyFaculty of Arts
OfferedNot offered in 2010
Coordinator(s)Peter Kelly


At the start of the 21st century the study and management of human behaviour presents a variety of challenges for the behavioural sciences. In this Unit students will identify an issue that is of interest to them; one that is particularly related to either of the two Behavioural Studies sequences The Lifecourse and Lifecourse Change and Conflict and Difference. They will conduct an extensive and detailed review of the literature (academic, policy, general) that relates to their chosen topic in order to produce a research report that explores this topic. This research, which will develop analytical and communication skills, will be supervised by the Unit Co-ordinator in a seminar program.


At the completion of this unit students will:

  1. Have developed a detailed and extensive knowledge of a significant issue in the study of human behaviour
  2. Have developed a detailed and extensive knowledge of the historical and contemporary characteristics of this issue
  3. Have developed a detailed and extensive knowledge of the variety of theoretical and methodological approaches that have been developed and deployed in relation to this issue
  4. Have developed an ability to identify, explore and make judgements on the research literature related to this issue
  5. Have developed an ability to critically use this literature to communicate, orally and in a written form, in a logical, coherent and analytical manner about this issue


Written work 100%

Contact hours

One x 2-hour seminar per week

This unit applies to the following area(s) of study

Behavioural studies


Must have completed a Behavioural Studies minor sequence, or permission