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Monash University Handbook 2010undergrad pharm-undergrad Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Undergraduate Handbook 2010 - Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesPharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Undergraduate studiesFaculty information
Course information
Course-related policies and rulesIntroduction - Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesFor more than 125 years the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (formerly the Victorian College of Pharmacy) has played a major role in pharmacy education, pharmaceutical sciences research and pharmacy practice research. It is one of Australia's leading schools of pharmacy. The faculty is located at Monash's Parkville campus, in close proximity to Melbourne’s CBD and other leading research organisations, residential colleges and teaching hospitals in the 'Parkville strip'. The Parkville campus is home to the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science which comprises the largest and most experienced group of pharmaceutical scientists in Australia. The campus has excellent research and teaching laboratories as well as a dedicated pharmaceutical science library and state of the art teaching facilities. Registration as a pharmacist - Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesTo practice as a pharmacist in Victoria it is necessary to be registered with the Pharmacy Board of Victoria (PBV). The PBV has several requirements for registration (which are summarised below, and can also be found on their website at (i.) an approved undergraduate degree in pharmacy, such as that offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (formerly Victorian College of Pharmacy) (ii.) a period of supervised practice (1824 hours) after successful completion of the above-mentioned degree. The supervised practice must be undertaken with a preceptor and at premises approved by the PBV, and under any conditions laid down by the PBV. (iii.) a registration examination comprised of all of the following:
(iv.) a level 2/senior first aid course or equivalent (v.) an approved management course (vi.) a pharmacy internship training program, such as the pharmacy internship program (previously known as the pre-registration course) offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (vii.) an on-site assessment on the preparation of extemporaneously prepared products conducted under the direction of the preceptor. Period of supervised practice (internship)To undertake supervised practice for initial general registration, interns (pre-registrants) require 'provisional registration' with the PBV, and are known as 'provisionally registered pharmacists'. The PBV stipulates that provisionally registered pharmacists must undertake an approved pharmacy internship training program during the course of their period of supervised practice (see requirement vii above), such as the Monash University pharmacy internship program. This program consists of two units: The pharmacy internship program can be articulated to course 3460 Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice by completing an additional 12 points of elective units. Further information about this postgraduate qualification can be found on the faculty's website at
Courses offered in 2010 - Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesNOTE: The course details provided in in the entries below are for those students who began their studies in 2010 - students who commenced their studies prior to this date should consult the Handbook edition for the year in which they started their course. Archived Handbooks are available at Single degreesDouble degrees
Honours degrees
Courses with no further intakeCurrent students enrolled in the following degrees should refer to the handbook entry for the year in which they commenced their course. Archived Handbooks are available at
18 September 2017
23 February 2025