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Monash University

Monash University Handbook 2010 Postgraduate - Course

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Arts

Managing facultyArts
Abbreviated titleGradDipHol&GenSt
Total credit points required48
Standard duration of study (years)1 year FT, 2 years PT
Study mode and locationOn-campus (Clayton)
Course coordinator

Assoc Prof Mark Baker


  • This course is not available to international student visa holders.


The Graduate Diploma of Holocaust and Genocide Studies provides advanced knowledge about the Holocaust, and many other cases of genocide across the world. It explores the Holocaust as a turning point in human history, the causes and effects of modern genocides, and what is now being done to prevent genocide. The teaching and research program enables students to consider the complex issues of genocidal violence, ideology, displaced persons and refugees, human rights, international law, ethics, cultural memory, and community regeneration. The program highlights the importance of oral history and eyewitness accounts of genocide. A key component of the program is access to the Shoah Visual History Archive held by Monash University, a prime resource for student engagement and scholarly research. Leading international scholars contribute each year to the Master of Holocaust and Genocide Studies. The program also offers two winter intensive units during July: students can explore the theme of reconciliation in South Africa and Rwanda in 'After atrocity'; or follow the final journey of European Jews through Berlin, Prague and Krakow.


Upon completion of this course, students will have:

  • knowledge of the Holocaust and its application as a paradigmatic case of genocide
  • knowledge of modern genocides
  • knowledge of a range of factors that radicalise conflict into genocide
  • knowledge of the historical responses to genocide
  • a capacity to identify possibilities for humanitarian intervention and acts of individual conscience in response to genocide
  • an understanding of the United Nations Convention on Genocide and its effectiveness
  • an understanding of the role of international law and systems of criminal justice for preventing and prosecuting genocide
  • an understanding of survivor testimony and the interpretive themes of trauma, memory, and mourning relating to genocide
  • an appreciation of the issues involved in reconciliation in post-genocide societies
  • an appreciation of the experience of Australia's indigenous population in relation to the UN definition of genocide
  • an appreciation of how genocide is represented in news media, cinema and other cultural domains
  • an appreciation of the role of scholarship in identifying and defining genocide.

Maximum credit allowed

24 credit points


This course consists of selected electives to the value of 48 points.


Students complete 48 points selected from the following:

  • AIS4010 Theories and research methodologies in Australian Indigenous studies
  • HYM4165 Final journey: The life and death of European Jews, 1900-1945
  • HYM4290 Holocaust memories: Landscape, mourning, identity
  • HYM4440 Genocidal thought
  • HYM4470 Genocide and colonialism
  • HYM4490 Fascism, Nazism and racial and social utopias
  • HYM4770 Representing genocides: Media, testimony, history
  • ITM4010 Global justice: Civil and human rights after 1945
  • ITM4140 After atrocity: The Holocaust, South Africa and Rwanda
  • JWM4260 Jewish literature of destruction
  • LAW7026 Overview of international human rights law
  • LAW7218 International criminal justice
  • one approved 12 point elective from across the University.

* Not all units are offered in the same year.

Progression to further studies

Students who complete the graduate diploma with a minimum credit average, may apply to enter course 3946 Master of Holocaust and Genocide Studies.

Alternative exit(s)

Students who have completed 24 points of the Graduate Diploma in Holocaust and Genocide Studies may apply to exit with a Graduate Certificate in Arts.


Graduate Diploma in Holocaust and Genocide Studies