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NOTE: This course has been updated - please refer to the Undergraduate handbook change register for details. This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Science
DescriptionThis course provides students with the opportunity to develop an appreciation of the Earth's natural resources (its flora and fauna, minerals, soils, air, water and energy), an awareness of environmental management issues, and the knowledge and skill base to adequately manage these resources. ObjectivesUpon completion of this course, students will have knowledge of a broad spectrum of resource management issues and strategies used to manage and sustain the Earth's natural resources. Graduates will also have skills and knowledge of scientific principles and concepts in areas of science relevant to resource management, including chemistry, biology, instrumental science and statistics. StructureThe course consists of a combination of compulsory core units mainly from the disciplines of biology, chemistry and instrumental science, along with a number of specialist units dealing more specifically with industry, resources and their environmental management. Students must complete 108 points of core units, plus 36 points of elective studies. RequirementsOver the three stages of the course students must complete 144 points of study including all of the following:
Students must complete all the requirements outlined below, including:
Recommended program of studyStage oneStage twoStage threeAward(s)Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management)