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NOTE: This course has been updated - please refer to the Postgraduate handbook change register for details. This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Art and Design
DescriptionThis coursework masters degree prepares graduates from various undergraduate backgrounds for work within the multimedia industry. It is offered jointly through the Faculty of Art and Design and the Faculty of Information Technology. A background in art or design is not required for enrolment in the program. The course includes systems and web development, digital imaging and design. With an emphasis placed on group work, the program mirrors the real world, where multimedia development calls for input from people with wide-ranging capabilities, working together in multidisciplinary teams. The units are a blend of studio practice and lectures. ObjectivesGraduates of the course will have the necessary skills to engage in a career in multimedia. Through the experience of the multimedia studio, students will understand specific strategies and methods and have the skills to apply them in the fields of multimedia. Credit for prior studiesUp to 24 points of credit may be granted for previously completed similar graduate-level units which have not been counted towards the award of any other degree or diploma. For similar undergraduate units, students will normally be required to make substitutions. AssessmentAssessment is based on project work, written and verbal presentations, assignments and exams. StructureThe course consists of 10 coursework units, usually studied in full-time mode over three semesters. Students interested in taking the course in part-time mode should contact the course coordinator for further information. RequirementsFirst yearSemester one
Semester two
Second yearSemester oneAlternative exit(s)The program can be exited after one or two semesters of full-time study or the equivalent:
Award(s)Master of Multimedia