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This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
DescriptionThis coursework degree allows students to expand on and consolidate their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in wound care and management. Candidates undertake compulsory units in epidemiology/biostatistics and evidence-based practice and develop research skills by undertaking a clinical project. ObjectivesAt the completion of the Master of Wound Care students will be able to:
Credit for prior studiesApplicants may apply for credit for previous studies undertaken in the previous five years. The maximum credit that can be awarded is 50 per cent of the requirements for the award. All applications for credit will be considered on an individual basis by the faculty. Recognition of prior learningNo more than 25 per cent of the requirements for the award will normally be granted for credit based on the recognition of prior learning undertaken in the last five years. All applications for credit will be considered on an individual basis by the faculty. Research componentStudents are required to develop a research proposal for a wound-related research project, write a project/grant proposal, and in some cases write and submit an ethics proposal and gain ethics approval from their practice site and from Monash University. Students will present work in progress to a panel, conduct a literature review, and present a final verbal report of the research undertaken and submit a written report of their research project. AssessmentAssessment is by online activities, oral presentation, and assignments. StructureStudents are required to complete 72 credit points that consist of:
Students are normally granted credit for units completed in the Graduate Diploma in Wound Care and are required to complete an additional four core units to qualify for the Master of Wound Care. VCW1127 (Practical wound care training and assessment) requires students to attend a five-day on-campus/residential course at the Parkville campus. They will undertake supervised clinic observation and seminar workshops (theoretical and practical) in various aspects of wound related topics during these five days. RequirementsCore Units
Elective unitsAlternative exit(s)Students may exit with a Graduate Certificate in Wound Care or Graduate Diploma in Wound Care if they have met the requirements for the relevant course. Award(s)Master of Wound Care