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Monash University

Monash University Handbook 2010 Postgraduate - Area of Study

Managing facultyFaculty of Arts
Offered byNational Centre for Australian Studies


This vocationally-oriented program in publishing and editing is designed to prepare graduates for careers in the publishing industries. Graduates will acquire advanced skills in the preparation of print and electronic publications; understand the roles of the author, publisher, editor, designer, production manager, publicist, sales manager and sales representative; and understand key topics in publishing, including technological development, intellectual property rights, international sales and licensing, market analysis and project commissioning and leadership.

Monash staff from the publishing and editing program are available to supervise research candidates in a variety of publishing-based areas.

Relevant Courses

  • 3752 Graduate Certificate in Publishing and Editing
  • 1357 Graduate Diploma in Publishing and Editing
  • 2695 Master of Arts*
  • 2846 Master of Arts by research and coursework
  • 2183 Master of Publishing and Editing
  • 0020 Doctor of Philosophy*

* By research.