Monash University Handbooks 2008

VIS1112 - Visual arts studio 2

6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Art and Design


Caulfield Second semester 2008 (Day)
Gippsland Second semester 2008 (Day)


A number of issues and themes traditionally found within visual arts practice will be introduced. Through set projects, and the parameters related to various discipline areas studied, students will be expected to develop a folio of work that represents their personal exploration and investigation of these themes. Procedures and processes which allow the student to establish a working momentum within his/her studio practice, and Occupational, Health, Safety and Environment issues specific to each discipline will also be addressed.


On successful completion of this unit, students will:

  1. be able to develop their knowledge of the formal elements of art making previously acquired in Visual Arts Studio 1;
  2. be able to communicate coherently in oral and written form the initial source and inspiration for their work;
  3. be prepared to research the work of other artists which has relevance to their concerns, both technically and conceptually;
  4. be able to explore the technical possibilities of a number of materials appropriate to their chosen means of expression;
  5. know how to establish a consistent working procedure and momentum;
  6. extend the range of visual source material relevant to their work;
  7. have a clear understanding of Occupational Health Safety and Environment procedures within each studio visited.


Folio: 80% Journal: 20%

Contact hours

4 hours studio and 8 hours study and practice per week


VIS1111 OR FNA1000 AND OHS1000



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