Caulfield Second semester 2008 (Day)
This unit introduces and provides an opportunity for critical appraisal of a range of issues which multimedia practitioners are likely to encounter in professional life. The business and development environment raises concerns about intellectual property and copyright; as well as about privacy and protection of personal, client and employer information. The computerised work environment raises concerns about risk in terms of operator health and reliability of both hardware and software. There are social, individual identify, and communication issues related to Internet and Cyberspace.
On successful completion of this unit, students will:
Business plan (group project, equivalent to 2000 words per student) 40% (all objectives)+ Paper (1500 words) 30% (objectives 1,3,4)
Report (equivalent to 1500 words) 30% (objectives 5,6)
2 hours in class and 10 independent study hours per week
Admission to MMM and MMDes courses