Monash University Handbooks 2008

PTY3051 - Physiotherapy 5

24 points, SCA Band 2, 0.500 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Leader: Stephen Maloney


Peninsula First semester 2008 (Day)


PTY3051 continues to develop students' knowledge and skills in the five theme areas upon which the four year curriculum is based. These are Theme 1 Personal and Professional Development; Theme 2 Population, Society and Health; Theme 3 Fundamental Knowledge of Health Science; Theme 4 Applied Practice; and Theme 5 Research. Case based learning remains the cornerstone for integration of the different themes within the course.


THEME 1: Personal and Professional Development -

THEME 2: Population, Society and Health -
THEME 3: Fundamental Knowledge in Health Science -
THEME 4: Applied Practice -
THEME 5: Design and describe a systematic review protocol -


Hurdle requirements: Reflective Portfolio
Attendance and participation in CBL, practical and tutorial sessions
Skills mastery checklist

Formative Assessments: On line quizzes
Tutorial participation
Reflective Portfolio

Summative Assessments:
Written Examination (hurdle): 25%
OSCE (hurdle): 30%
CBL Assignment: 20%
Anatomy flag race: 5%
Research folio: 5%
Group exercise presentation: 5%
Interview assignment: 10%.


PTY2031, PTY2042


Only available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Physiotherapy.

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