Peninsula First semester 2008 (Day)
Peninsula Second semester 2008 (Day)
This unit covers the role of the aeromedical team and the use of fixed and rotary wing aircraft in search and rescue. The content related to air search techniques includes search patterns, homing techniques and observer procedures. Students will undergo Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) and focus on the rotary wing aircraft aeromedical rescue team and the specific skill of stabilising and packaging the patient for winching to safety. The safety requirements of search and rescue are emphasised. Post impact land survival techniques including water safety and sea survival in the event of impact are also discussed.
This unit will be offered in a multimodal form using a combination of lectures, tutorials, practical sessions, clinical scenarios and self-directed learning materials. WebCT will be used to supplement face-to-face sessions and support on-line discussion groups to facilitate MUCAPS staff and student interaction in informal tutorials.
By completion of this unit, the student should demonstrate the appropriate level of knowledge, skill and ability to be able to:
Examinations 50%
Worksheets 50%
Practical assessment Pass/Fail.
76 hours comprising lectures, tutorials, practical sessions and clinical scenarios, self-directed learning materials and WebCT.