Monash University Handbooks 2008

MMR4022 - Clinical studies 2

4 points, SCA Band 2, 0.0833333 EFTSL

Postgraduate Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Leader: Ms Caroline Wright


Clayton Summer semester A 2008 (Off-campus)


Introduction to treatment and simulation approaches used in treatment of skin cancer, bony and brain metastases and cancer of the bladder and rectum. Facilitates student involvement in treatment or simulation of a patient who has a palliative intent using a single field, treatment or simulation of a patient who is receiving a single electron field and treatment or simulation of a patient who is being treated with parallel-opposed fields. Also facilitates student involvement in the treatment or simulation of a patient in which up to 4 fields are used or where MLCs or shielding is required and addresses cultural and religious diversity of patients presenting for radiation therapy treatment.


On successful completion of this unit students will be:

  1. able to demonstrate appropriate professional assistance in the delivery of the treatment and or simulation to a patient;
    1. who requires a palliative intent using a single field,
    2. receiving a single electron field,
    3. being treated with parallel-opposed fields and
    4. in which up to 4 fields are used or where MLCs or shielding is required;
  2. In addition, students will be able to demonstrate the ability to apply:
    1. simulation principles in the application of a treatment,
    2. principles of landmarking, palpation and tattooing pertinent to the particular treatment methods,
    3. appropriate and professional interactions with patients and their families or carers,
    4. principles of dose distribution calculations studied in RTS4020 Radiobiology and Dosimetry and
  3. Students will also be able communicate an understanding of the cultural and religious responses to cancer and its treatment.


1. Reflective case reports related to each of the treatment and simulation methods (30%)
2. Clinical Skills Assessments in respect to aspects of 4 treatment and simulation plans including landmarking and palpation (20%).
3. An investigation into the radiobiological and dosimetric effects of irradiating a pelvic malignancy (25%)
4. An investigation into the cultural and religious diversity of patients receiving radiation therapy (25%)

Off Campus Attendance Requirements

Placement for 5 continuous weeks in a clinical Radiotherapy Department (4 weeks academic credit, 1 week professional credit).


MMR4000, MMR4010, RTS4021


MMR4020, MMR4012

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