Monash University Handbooks 2008

MED4000 - Year 4 final grade

SCA Band 3, 0.000 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Leader: Professor Geoff Solarsh and Associate Professor David Clarke


Clayton Second semester 2008 (Day)
Clayton Summer semester A 2008 (Day)
Sunway Second semester 2008 (Day)


MED4000 provides an overall result for Year 4 MBBS based upon achievement in MED4071, MED4082 and the Integrated Vertical Assessment (VIA) examination. Students will need to successfully complete MED4071, MED4082 and the VIA examination. A grade will be awarded for MED4000 which is based on student achievement in MED4071, MED4082 and the VIA examination.


MED4000 is a hurdle requirement for successful completion of the MBBS course. On completion of the unit, students will have demonstrated the necessary integration of knowledge and skills develop during Years 1 - 4 of the medicine course.


+ MED3051: 17.5%
+ MED3061: 17.5%
+ MED4071: 17.5%
+ MED4082: 17.5%
+ VIA Written examination: 30%


MED3051, MED3062, MED4071 and MED4082


Must be enrolled in the MBBS or MBBS/LLB

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