Monash University Handbooks 2008

MED2031 - Medicine 3

24 points, SCA Band 3, 0.500 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Leader: Associate Professor Ben Canny & Dr Carol Lawson


Clayton First semester 2008 (Day)
Sunway First semester 2008 (Day)


Through a 'Community Partnerships' placement, the student develops an awareness of the sector's relevance to the practice of medicine and the socio-economic context of health and illness. In 'Information Management and Health Promotion' the student develops skills in data management and critical appraisal of evidence and knowledge to assist in clinical decision-making. 'Homeostasis: Maintaing the internal environment' enables the student to study the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal and haematopoietic systems. 'Clinical Skills' assists the student to develop clinical reasoning and focused history taking based on these major systems. Weekly Patient Centred Learning studies will integrate material presented in all themes. The Rural/urban placement focuses on the development of a perspective of experience of practising medicine in either environment. Through the Selective, the student will develop existing, and/or acquire new interests and skills that lie outside the traditional ambit of 'medical education'.


Theme I:

Theme II:

Theme III:

Theme IV:

Selectives - As a result of the chosen Selective, the student will develop existing and/or acquire new, interests and skills that lie outside the traditional ambit of 'medical education'

Rural Placement:


Assessment in MED 2031 and MED 2042 will be both formative and summative. Formative assessment tasks in both Semesters include OSCE's and on-line self-tests. Summative assessment tasks:

MED2031 mid semester exam: 5%
MED2031 end of semester exam: 5%
MED2042 mid semester exam: 5%
MED2042 end of semester exam: 10%
MED2042 Student Project Case presentations: 5%
Year Two Portfolio: 20%
Year Two Rural Project: 5%
Year Two Health Promotion Project: 10%
End of Year OSCE (incl. Vertical Integration assessment component): 15%
Vertical Integration Exam (Year One and Two): 20% For MED2031 the end of semester results will be pass grade only (PGO). For MED2042 the end of semester results will be graded.


MED1011, MED1022


Must be enrolled in the MBBS or MBBS/LLB

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