Monash University Handbooks 2008

MEC3458 - Experimental project

6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Engineering

Leader: W Yan/A Neild/J Carberry/ D Honnery


Clayton Second semester 2008 (Day)
Sunway Second semester 2008 (Day)


Introduction to data acquisition across a range data types, analogue-digital sampling and signal conditioning. Data acquisition and processing functions using LabView. Current data measurement technologies and equipment, acquisition methodologies used in fluid dynamics, material properties, thermodynamics, control and dynamics. Data analysis methods including error analysis, validation, spectral analysis identification and interpretation of trends. Introduction to research practices, formation and testing of hypotheses as well as experiment design and project management. Communication skills and techniques, preparation of reports and oral presentations. Occupational health and safety.


Understanding of skills and techniques required for the acquisition of optimised meaningful experimental data
Knowledge of the important components of experimental design
Overview of current technologies available for experimentation
Knowledge of data acquisition methods
Knowledge of data analysis methods
Appreciation for the importance and application of occupational health and safety procedures
Manage and execute short and medium term projects
Form and evaluate hypotheses
Communicate results using written and oral formats
Acquire and optimise experimental data
Use data analysis techniques to explore and evaluate experimental data, including error analysis
Use LabView to acquire and analyse experimental data Apply occupational health and safety procedures.


Written reports and oral presentations (100%)

Contact hours

3 hour lectures, 3 hours practice sessions/laboratories (this may alternate with 2 hours lectures and 4 hours practice sessions) and 6 hours of private study per week


Must have passed 120 credit points from engineering or science

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