City (Melbourne) First semester 2008 (Evening)
Legal issues such as copyright, defamation and censorship. The practical effects of legal regulation (or lack thereof) on the Internet. The nature of the Internet itself, how the different legal issues interrelate and how the application of different legal concepts may shape the future of the Internet.
Upon completion of this unit, students should have an
understanding of the internet in its various guises and
what legal principles affect the use and regulation of the
internet in Australia, encompassing more specifically an understanding of:
- The legal implications of selling goods and services via the internet, including issues of consumer protection
laws (including the law of passing off), trade marks and
domain names and contracting and transacting on the
internet * The applicability of traditional copyright principles to the digital environment of the internet
- How copyright may be infringed on the internet
- Moral rights in the context of the internet
- How the law of defamation operates in an online
context, including what constitutes publication and
how this interacts with concepts of free speech
- The laws affecting content regulation, focusing mainly on the Australian situation with some reference to overseas developments
- Privacy laws as they arise in the online context
- The international implications of the regulatory
framework of the internet
Research assignment (3,750 words): 50% +Take home examination (3,750 words): 50%