Not offered in 2008
The areas examined will include some or all of the following: the legal implications of changes in family forms; the prognosis for primary dispute resolution and the need for private ordering in family law; recent developments in property division including the splitting of superannuation entitlements, bankruptcy reforms, procedures relating to third parties and taxation implications; an analysis of the recent reforms in the area of parenting, children and child support; legal issues arising from domestic relationships and same-sex parenting.
This unit will require students to identify and analyse
contemporary problems in family law and policy and
understand how such problems have been resolved in
Australia and some overseas jurisdictions. Students
completing the unit will acquire a detailed knowledge of
recent Australian developments in case law and legislation and current law reform proposals. They will also obtain an understanding of the theoretical and policy background to contemporary family law issues.
Research assignment (6,750 words): 90% and Class participation: 10%
One 2-hour seminar per week